A Personal Message from the Chief Ethical Standard Compliance Director and Founder of the Non-Profit Ethical Coaching Association Andrew Sonctranm:

FROM THE DESK OF: The Ethical Coaching™ Association Founder Andrew Sonctranm Consumer Advocate, Chief Ethical Standard Compliance Director, And Founder Of The Non-Profit Ethical Coaching™ Association:

Dear ethically minded coach and consultant,

Thank you for taking the time to make sure your ethical standards are the best in the coaching and consulting industry.

After making multi-millions per year as a coach and consultant with niche membership launches, and after helping a lot of coaches and consultants escape what I diagnosed as modern day slavery… and along the way to freeing them, seeing so many coaches who were clients who told me they had bad experiences with unethical coaches and consultants who over-promised, and under-delivered, or have just bad, outdate, ineffective solutions that made them modern day slaves to their practices. And early on as a coach and consultant falling victim of these unethical practices by paying for training that was worthless and enslaved me …

… I became fed up with any unethical practice and made it my mission to drain the swamp and save the coaching and consulting industry by making sure the coaching and consulting industry is ethical, has the highest ethical standards, and because of this high ethical standard thrives well into the future.

The way our board of ethical directors does this is to make the highest ethical standard training known, free, and usable to coaching and consultants like you.

This means, all coaches and consultants have an opportunity to improve their ethical approach to their coaching and consulting business.

Even if you think you are operating in an ethical way, I urge you to download the materials freely available here to see how you can be doing even better.

This is to ensure you have the most success, and your clients are WOW™ level happy.

When you are ready and you feel you are up to standard, submit a 1-page letter explaining why and how you use our ethical standards to ensure client happiness.

It will then go into the review process and if you comply to the higher ethical standards, you’ll be awarded the stamp of approval from the Ethical Coaching Organization you can proudly display on your website or materials. Showing to the world your ethical compliance and care for your clients, each other, and the ethical coaching industry which when ethical is one of the best things to happen to the world.

May all coaches and consultants thrive and be free from modern day slavery by using the utmost highest ethical standards,

Andrew Sonctranm,

Andrew Sonctranm

Consumer Advocate, Chief Ethical Compliance Director, and Founder of the Non-Profit Ethical Coaching™ Association and The Creator of The Highest Standard for Coaching & Consulting Ethics The WOW™ Guidelines.